September 1 is not only a new stage in the lives of children starting preschool and school education, but also for their parents (mainly moms) - returning to work after a break from parenting. Resignation from professional activity in favor of raising children causes stress and uncertainty - will it be possible to smoothly return to the labor market and regain the former position? A major challenge is the return to the labor market of moms who have put their careers on hold for several or more years and have not kept abreast of the dynamic changes in the labor market. Fathers at this stage often decide to switch to a less-absorbing job in order to devote more time to the family and allow for more intensive career development for their partner (more on career planning for parents: Many mothers and fathers admit that parenthood has proved to be a challenge of unexpected proportions for them, but it has also enabled them to acquire and develop new competencies, get to know themselves better, and revise their goals and priorities. Parental leave often has a motivating effect, because when a parent feels like he has reached the top of a high mountain after a long climb, his self-esteem and sense of agency grows: Wow, I have the power! Since I have conquered a difficult parenting challenge, I can handle many others as well. That's why some mothers see the end of parental leave as an opportunity for a career change - leaving a job they don't like, getting promoted to a higher position, modifying their career path or starting their own business. Employers, be vigilant to recognize the development needs of young parents in time and not lose them! Courage and ideas do not always make it easier to make decisions and identify strategies for change. It is worthwhile to take advantage of the support of a professional career counselor, who will help identify our preferences, diagnose our career potential, help establish a precise plan for professional change and guide us through its successive stages (including reconciling different social roles, dealing with daily logistics and difficult emotions in the first months after the mom starts working). The scope of support is tailored to actual needs. If you are a parent who is looking forward to the first day of the school year with hope, but does not want to return to your "old" job, I invite you to schedule an online consultation.
You can also support your partner(s) with a Gift Card for a Career Counselor's consultation at the
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