Promoting mental health
A visit to a sexologist
Andrzej Depko, Lekarz seksuolog
April 10, 2024
Mental resilience - a safety cushion for a crisis
Dorota Strzelec, Psycholog, Coach, Interwent kryzysowy, Doradca zawodowy
May 31, 2020
What do you need to know to get by in life?
Dorota Strzelec, Psycholog, Coach, Interwent kryzysowy, Doradca zawodowy
September 27, 2019
Career counselor useful at any age
Dorota Strzelec, Psycholog, Coach, Interwent kryzysowy, Doradca zawodowy
July 15, 2019
Parentification - adult children of undereducated parents
Martyna Wrona - Marchel, psycholog
June 10, 2019
Smog vs. Psyche - how polluted air affects our mental health
Dorota Strzelec, Psycholog, Coach, Interwent kryzysowy, Doradca zawodowy
January 9, 2019
Implementation of intentions - that is, how to make a resolution become a habit
Martyna Wrona - Marchel, psycholog
July 19, 2018
Health behavior change - theory in a nutshell
Martyna Wrona, psycholog
May 17, 2018
Dr. Andrzej Depko in the discussion "Love and sex and the Polish issue".
Andrzej Depko, Lekarz seksuolog
February 20, 2017
Gynecological and obstetric patient with psychiatrist
Wiktor Buczek, lekarz psychiatra
December 27, 2016