Sexological therapy Warsaw
Few couples talk about sex life problems when they arise in their relationship. Often it is an embarrassing topic for us, we are blocked, we lack openness and readiness to talk. At the Professional Help Center, in addition to diagnosis and drug treatment, you can benefit from individual sex therapy and couples therapy.
The goal of sex therapy conducted by a psychotherapist is to trace your "sexological resume" and look for the source of the problem in your life so far. Our sexological psychotherapists are able to help with the most difficult cases and problems, using their experience and, if necessary, consulting a sexologist with the problem
Psychological causes of sexual dysfunction most often include:
upbringing unpleasant memories of sexual initiation (pain, feeling used)
Fear of pregnancy
"other" than what is generally accepted as the norm for partner  behavior;
rape, violence
For a great many people, a successful sex life is a driver of action in other spheres of life. It determines their functioning in the family, at work, in relationships with other people. To enjoy one's sexuality, a balance between physical health and good mental health is essential. Many sexological problems are rooted in diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hormonal disorders, elevated cholesterol, recurrent vaginal infections, but also in mental imbalance caused by unpleasant circumstances, excessive work or upbringing. Most often, however, it is a combination of several factors. An example is long-term erectile dysfunction caused, for example, by diabetes, which the patient does not know about and does not understand the mechanism in which it affects the functioning of the body. In order not to put himself in a difficult situation, he avoids intercourse, which in turn creates conflict with his partner/partner, who feels rejected.
CPP Center for Professional Help provides sexological and psychological consultation and therapy in the form of individual meetings and sexological therapy for couples and marriages. It is now possible to make appointments online.