Settle the past: DDA Therapy - Warsaw

Who are DDAs (Adult Children of Alcoholics)?
Adult Children of Alcoholics are individuals who grew up in families with alcohol problems. The addiction of a parent (or parents) negatively affected their development, disturbed their view of the world and forced them to develop specific defense mechanisms.
Inappropriate behavioral patterns brought from the family home cause DDA syndrome sufferers difficulties in regulating emotions and expressing their own needs.
Does the DDA syndrome affect you as well?
Do you remember from your childhood that your parent abused alcohol? Were you accompanied by feelings of insecurity and chaos? Sometimes even a feeling of guilt that you are doing something wrong and therefore all this is happening because of you?
Now in your adult life, do you notice troubling symptoms in yourself, such as:
❌ fear of losing control or, conversely, reluctance to take responsibility for one's actions;
❌ fear of change;
❌ low self-esteem, depression, a strong need for acceptance, and stepping into the role of "rescuer."
❌ difficulties in close relationships and intimate relationships;
❌ A sense of self-sufficiency and trust issues?
If so, you may be a person with DDA syndrome.
The emotional problems of children from dysfunctional families build up over the years. When a child enters adulthood, he is often not even aware that some of his behaviors are the result of past experiences.
How to deal with the DDA syndrome and is it worth it to go to DDA therapy?
A traumatic childhood in the shadow of alcohol is a stigma you can get rid of. You have already succeeded in taking that first step, which is to identify and name your problem. Now you have two options.
Self-accounting for the past
You can explore the topic of DDA syndrome on your own, such as reading scientific studies. This is definitely a longer road to understanding yourself. You will also need additional support from loved ones to accurately recognize certain patterns in your behavior.
DDA psychotherapy - individual or group
You can reach out for professional support and enroll in individual therapy or group therapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics. Talking to a therapist and confronting other people with similar experiences will help you successfully work through the trauma.
Is therapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics effective?
DDA therapy is your investment in yourself:
✅ understand the behavioral patterns of addicts and codependents;
✅ You will develop healthy mechanisms for managing your emotions;
✅ You will learn relaxation techniques that will help you relieve stress and tension;
✅ You will learn how to properly relate and build relationships with others;
✅ Say goodbye to guilt and low self-esteem once and for all;
✅ You will learn to accept yourself;
✅ you will remove responsibility for the choices made by your parents and other adults who abused alcohol in your presence.
DDA therapy will equip you with the ability to talk about the past without guilt.
Start your recovery process with CPP Professional Assistance Center!
✅ We will provide you with full understanding.
Difficult childhood experiences weaken a child's emotional resilience and damage his self-esteem. Our specialists - a psychologist and a psychotherapist - will help you come to terms with the past.
✅ We will surround you with comprehensive care.
We offer our patients the help of a sexologist and a psychiatrist, if the therapy should be supported by drug treatment.
✅ We understand that patients have different responsibilities and needs.
Our specialists are available at various times of the day, both stationary - in offices in Warsaw - and online. We want to make therapy as light as possible on your daily life.
✅ We know how important education is.
Psychological therapy is a form of learning and we can extend it to your loved ones. We offer support for families and couples who want to rebuild or strengthen their relationships.
✅ We guarantee complete confidentiality and protection of your personal information.
Conversations with our psychotherapists are subject to professional confidentiality. During therapy, you can share even your most difficult experiences - this is your safe space.
How to make an appointment for individual therapy for DDA in Warsaw?
Join the ranks of our patients and start your healing process today.
➡️ Choose your therapist and contact us by phone - at +48 22 24 12 444 or by email - via e-mail: to schedule an appointment.
You can alsoschedule an appointment online.
➡️ Fill out the necessary documents - registration card and consent to data processing, and provide your contact phone number and send everything to:
You can find a template of the card and consent to data processing in the DOWNLOAD FILES section of our contact page:
➡️ Pay your appointment at least 24 hours in advance. You can use a quick transfer or make a traditional bank transfer. Don't forget to include your information, the name of the chosen specialist and the date of the consultation in the description of the transfer.
Our transfer details:
CPP Professional Assistance Center al. Jana Pawła II 80 lok. 129 (floor XXI) or lok. 21 (floor IX) 00-175 Warsaw
account no: 94 1140 2004 0000 3502 8301 4938
📌 If you have any questions, please contact our secretariat at +48 22 24 12 444. We are at your service from Monday to Friday, 10:00-20:30.