Psychologist, Psychotherapist
I also work with people with experience of depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.
"Master's studies at the Faculty of Psychology and Philosophy (ATK - currently UKSW), Two-year Study in Psychological Assistance and Sociotherapy
Two-year Postgraduate Studies in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy conducted by the Oxford Cognitive Therapy Center and CTPBC
Four-year Postgraduate Studies at the Professional School of Psychotherapy IPZPTP - SWPS accredited by the Polish Psychological Association and Polish Psychiatric Association Annual Couple Therapy Course at the Psychoeducation Laboratory
Postgraduate studies in Psychotraumatology Couples Therapy
Workshops according to the John Gottman method
Certification training in narrative therapy
Certified NLP Master Certified psychotherapist.
Children's Health Center - Psychological Consultation Clinic and a psychologist in hospital departments of CZD,
Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Centers No. 5 and No. 7 in Warsaw LO.
Internship at the Center for Psychotherapy and Health Promotion "Ogród" of the Institute of Health Psychology of PTP,
Participation in numerous courses, conferences and trainings organized by the University of Warsaw , SWPS, Laboratory of Psychoeducation, IPZ.
In the psychotherapy process, it is important for me to build a safe therapeutic relationship based on authenticity, respect and acceptance.
Individual psychologist / psychotherapist consultation
(220zł / 50 min)
Online psychologist / couples / family psychotherapist consultation
(250zł / 1 h)
Psychologist / couples / family psychotherapist consultation
(250zł / 1 h)
Online crisis intervention
(220zł / 50 min)
Online individual psychologist /psychotherapist consultation
(220zł / 50 min)
Psychodietetics consultation + development of diet plan
(400zł / 50 min)
Consultation by a psychodietitian
(200zł / 50 min)
Consultation of a career counselor
(250zł / 50 min)
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