A visit to a sexologist
We should all learn to treat sexual disorders like any other illness. Just as we go to the cardiologist with a heartache, to the gastrointestinalist with a stomach ache or to the dentist with a toothache, so too for disorders that make sexual intercourse difficult, it should be the norm to see a sexologist. This applies to both sexes.

Sexuality is one of the fundamental reasons motivating people to interact and bond. The desire for contact with another person of the opposite fascinating sex is a source of very strong sensations and experiences. The fulfillment of this desire triggers sensations that create a new quality in the consciousness of both partners.
The mental desire for sexual contact and the physical possibility of its fulfillment provide the basis for building self-esteem, dignity and self-esteem in the role of life and sexual partner. This applies to both men and women. Sex promotes health, activates the cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems, strengthens the immune system. It keeps the body in good mental and physical condition, and a successful sex life provides both partners with a sense of happiness and self-realization.
Knowing how we like to have sex does not mean that we can talk about intimate problems. In Poland, it is still easier to do " these things " than to talk together about various aspects of mutual intercourse. The embarrassment that accompanies talking about very intimate problems often makes it difficult for partners to get along with each other. Meanwhile, talking to an understanding partner, describing one's own troubles, is already a form of therapy, because it makes both of them aware of the severity of the problem. A face-to-face conversation should be an expression of trust - I love you, - so I share good and bad moments with you.
Sexual performance problems are best solved by two people, few, however, know and remember this. According to surveys on the sexual behavior of Poles, only 30% of relationships talk about sexual problems.
Many couples procrastinate for years before deciding to see a specialist, and what's worse, they often turn to doctors only when their relationship is already falling apart . Meanwhile, both she and he should turn to a sexologist already when problems are just beginning to emerge.
The decision to visit a sexologist, is usually associated with great stress.
The affected person is forced to break down many barriers: he has to become aware of the existence of the problem, get used to the idea that it is not going away on its own, despite the passage of time, decide to visit a specialist and, worst of all, inform him of his "embarrassing" problems.
Entrusting another person with your deeply hidden secrets is automatically associated with the conviction that you are compromised. Since partners who love each other, are unable to talk about topics concerning their intimate life, exposing oneself to a doctor will not be any easier. Shame is the primary blocking mechanism.
Sexual dysfunction, in addition to being a typically medical condition, is also morally categorized by many people in our culture as something that ridicules and diminishes a person's worth.
Once the visit occurs and the magic barrier of the doctor's office door is crossed, we find that the course of the visit and the doctor's approach to the patient is different from those, visits we know from the offices of doctors with other specialties. The role of a doctor who treats sexual disorders is to create the right climate, to talk about intimate topics. The sexologist is well aware of the fact that for his/her patient/s, meeting in the privacy of the office is difficult and talking about their sexual problems is very embarrassing.
The doctor needs to know the cause of the disorder in order to choose the right diagnostic methods and apply the appropriate therapy. Perhaps in no other medical field does a skillfully collected history play such a dominant role in recognizing the essence of a dysfunction as in sexology. It is safe to say that it determines three-fourths of the correct diagnosis. So what information is necessary for the doctor? The patient's personal data, his/her education, occupation, marital status, the number of children he/she has, worldview including moral views affecting personality, housing conditions, addictions, information on past and current illnesses and treatment used. This is followed by the collection of information on the current problem: when these problems appeared, under what circumstances they occur, with what severity, whether with any partner(s), whether treatment was undertaken and with what result. Further questions are asked about: adolescence, current partnership and current sex life.
Only all this information, often supplemented by a history from the partner ( if possible), allows the doctor to decide whether or not to perform the necessary diagnostic tests. Somatic causes of sexual dysfunction can be sought by ordering the following tests:
biochemical blood test;
testing the concentration of sex hormones in the blood;
ECG, ultrasound;
CT scan, MRI;
Electroneurography (ENG) or Electromyography(EMG)
Doppler ultrasound of penile arterial and venous blood flow;
Diagnostic injections of vasoactive drugs into the penile corpora cavernosa;
The set of results of the ordered tests, complementing the results obtained from the medical history, allows the selection of the optimal treatment method tailored to the patient's health condition and the nature of his/her partnership.
Often, proper treatment of the underlying disease leading to sexual dysfunction of organic origin removes the one that is more important to the patient/woman - namely, the sexual problem.
The goal of treatment is also to strengthen the emotional connection with the partner/s and make anxieties about sex life disappear. Even if they both love each other, but fail to show interest and acceptance to each other, do not talk openly about their desires, and are ashamed to discuss intimate topics, there is little chance of improving sexual intercourse.
Sex is an area of human life that has aroused a lot of interest and excitement from its dawn to the present day. It is a powerful force that plays an important role in everyone's life. Regardless of our attitude to sexuality - from accepting in some to repressing in others.
With sex it's just like with other things in life. As long as they are functioning well, such as: health, we hardly realize their importance and value. But as soon as problems arise, difficulties or disorders emerge, hitherto seemingly unimportant and side issues focus our attention and seriously occupy us. The importance of sex can best be assessed when sexual disturbances or disorders occur in this sphere.
Sexual disorders, contrary to appearances, are not only about disorders of genital functioning. In fact, they are also about disturbances in the psychological and social functioning of the patient/woman.
The degree of understanding of the problems associated with sexual dysfunction is, unfortunately, still low, and the public demand for help is huge. Therefore, let's stop nurturing problems in the sexual sphere, they are like weeds in the garden of love. When we don't know how to cope with them, it is necessary to seek specialized help.
Author: Andrzej Depko, medical sexologist
How to schedule a consultation with a sexologist in Warsaw?
➡️ Choose the sexologist you want to see and contact us by phone - at +48 22 24 12 444 or by email - via e-mail: kontakt@cpp.pl to schedule an appointment.
You can alsoschedule an appointment online.
➡️ Fill out the necessary documents - the child's registration card and consent to the processing of his data, and provide your contact phone number and send everything to: kontakt@cpp.pl.
You can find a template of the card and consent to data processing in the DOWNLOAD FILES section of our contact page: https://cpp.pl/kontakt/.
➡️ Pay your appointment at least 24 hours in advance. You can use a quick transfer or make a traditional bank transfer. Don't forget to include your child's details, the name of the chosen specialist and the date of the consultation in the transfer description.
Our transfer details:
CPP Center for Professional Assistance al. Jana Pawła II 80 lok. 129 (floor XXI) or lok. 21 (floor IX) 00-175 Warsaw
account no: 27 1140 2004 0000 3902 7629 4721
📌 If you have any questions, please contact our secretariat at +48 22 24 12 444. We are at your service from Monday to Friday, 10:00-20:30.